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Fighting Cancer With Nutrition



Our friends at the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition in Omaha, Neb., announced last week they will partner with the Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center in Oklahoma City to study the role of nutrition in cancer prevention.
Five $50,000 seed grants were rewarded to researchers, who will plot data for one year as they begin to determine how nutrition could play a role in preventing and controlling cancer.  
Five projects will be conducted, two looking at public health and three in clinical science. The public health projects will study American Indian populations specifically. 
“Many people don’t realize that obesity prevention is also cancer prevention, and that is why the public health projects will help gain insight into the various environments and their influence on nutrition and obesity, especially among a high-risk population such as American Indians,” said
Dr. Amy Yaroch, executive director of the Swanson Center (and a Leader).
The three clinical science proposals will look at identifying compounds or mechanisms involved with tumor growth, looking at treatment effectiveness and helping improve patient quality of life.
“We still have a great deal to learn about the link between nutrition and cancer,” said Dr. Robert Mannel, director of the Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center. “Through this collaboration we are able to support promising researchers who are trying to better understand the physiological basis for this link with the hope of developing evidence-based nutritional strategies as a way to combat cancer.”