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Fast Food: Are Their Healthier Food Promises Being Met?

Fast food and healthier meals—these phrases rarely seem to go hand-in-hand, however, some fast food places have promised to provide healthier food options, and UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity has taken a look to see how they’ve stood up to this pledge.


Restaurant_Drinks_Graphics.jpgBy UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity

A new UConn Rudd Center report released last week, Are Fast-Food Restaurants Keeping Their Promises to Offer Healthier Kids’ Meals?, examines whether restaurant chains have implemented their voluntary pledges and how they promote healthier kids’ meal choices at individual locations. Using data collected in 2016, Rudd Center researchers examined six restaurants—McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, Dairy Queen, and KFC – that have pledged to remove sugary soda and other soft drinks from menu boards and/or offer healthier drinks and sides with kids’ meals since 2013. Support for this study was provided by Healthy Eating Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Key findings:HealtherKidsMeals.jpg
  • Fast-food restaurants listed healthier drinks on their kids’ meal online menus as promised, but one-third or more of restaurant locations listed sugary soda and other soft drinks on their kids’ meal menu boards inside restaurants.
  • Restaurants with publicly available healthier kids’ meal policy statements were more likely to offer healthier drinks and sides with kids’ meal orders.
  • Voluntary healthier kids’ meal pledges by fast-food restaurants have increased the number of healthier options available, but inconsistent implementation at restaurants suggest much room for improvement.

Watch a 60-second video highlighting the report’s key findings.

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*Drinks and sides with kids' meals: healthier options available, but not always offered #servekidsbetter

*#everychildneeds healthier kids’ meals. Make the healthy choice the easy choice. Find out more @uconnruddcenter
*Sugary soda and other soft drinks on kids’ meal menus. @uconnruddcenter new report

Are fast-food restaurants keeping their promises to offer healthier kids’ meals? Check out the UConn Rudd Center’s latest report examining whether the largest U.S. restaurant chains have implemented their voluntary pledges and how they promote healthier kids’ meals at individual locations.