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Don’t Forget: Webinar on Crafting Joint Use Agreements


Are you a parent who cares about getting your community active? Are you a city planner who wants to see more residents moving? Are you a health advocate working toward reversing obesity? Or do you simply care about helping make your neighborhood a better place to live?

Then you’ll definitely want to take part in our upcoming webinar on joint use agreements.

Joint use agreements allow community members to use school facilities such as playgrounds and fields after school hours to be active. These agreements provide structure for sharing open spaces and athletic facilities.

But implementing them can be challenging, as it requires navigating local laws and addressing school district concerns. is hosting a free, hour-long webinar at 2 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, June 20 to provide a blueprint for implementing these agreements in communities.

Scheduled speakers include Shannon Glynn from Leadership for Healthy Communities, Natasha Frost from the Public Health Law Center and Ben Winig from ChangeLab Solutions. Manal Aboelata from the Prevention Institute will join’s Rebecca Frank to moderate the webinar.

Click here to register now.

The webinar is the second webinar hosted by on joint use agreements. Earlier this summer we hosted a webinar providing an overview of joint use agreements and how they’ve been effective in getting people more physically active in communities across the country. A video recording of that webinar is available here for those who missed it.