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Does Your Grocer Push Junk Food?

Join the Salud America and Care2 letter campaign to grocers.


SaludAmericaTellGrocersCampaign.PNGYou're invited to sign a Salud America! and Care2 letter campaign asking grocery stores to use labels, floor arrows, and other marketing strategies to promote fruit and veggie options for Latino and all families.

Fresh and frozen fruits and veggies are critical to help kids grow up at a healthy weight. 

But some grocers’ marketing, placement, and store design nudges families toward unhealthy foods and drinks.

The letter campaign asks members of state grocery store associations to consider changes like: adding green arrows on the floor to guide customers to fresh and frozen produce; using green stickers or bilingual labeling to highlight nutritious options; and replacing junk food with healthy options at check-outs.

This could be a win-win for grocers and consumers; people get better access to healthy options and grocers boost sales of those options.

Sign the letter at!

And don't forget to share this model message on social media:
LETTER: Ask grocers to mark the way to fruits+veggies! #MarketFreshness @SaludToday