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Dinner is Served, Via Blog



Astute readers of The Inside Track will remember our April profile of Grace Freedman, who runs the popular, a website and nonprofit dedicated to helping families eat dinner together more often — and creating the societal changes that will allow them to do so. 
Now we hear Freedman is working alongside the folks at Time at the Table and Dinner Together to create the Blog for Family Dinner Project (B4FD), a month long event that will feature blog posts and stories about the importance of family dinner, and how society as a whole can encourage it.
Starting on Sept. 26 (Family Day) and running through Oct. 24 (Food Day), B4FD will run blog posts on the benefits and challenges of family meals. The project is already accepting submissions at its website.
Freedman and her colleagues have pushed for larger environmental changes that could help get families around the table together, including social and tax policies to support the purchase of healthy food and flexible workplace policies to help parents get home by dinnertime. 
During the blog-a-thon, B4FD is looking for “fresh, honest, diverse opinions” that will highlight everything that effects family dinner, from recipes and meal planning to parenting strategies and health research findings.  B4FD also will provide resources and updated research about family dinner for bloggers.