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Detroit Swims to Better Learning and Health

5,800 kids in Detroit have learned to swim and are doing better in school thanks to Detroit Swims—learn more about this initiative here.


Detroit-Swims-from-YMCA-576x432.jpgWhen you think of summertime, you think of time off, hanging out by the pool, and taking a break from school. But for many, this isn’t a reality. Many kids are never taught to swim. Many don’t have a safe place to go play in the summertime, and many lose a lot of learning over the summer because they aren’t in school.

In 2010, lifeguards in Detroit decided to help change that. They wanted to not only reduce disparities in swim ability, but they also wanted to make sure kids were doing well in school.

Learn more about this unique initiative, and see how they’ve grown since 2010--and think about reaching out to them to found a branch in your neighborhood. Well done, Detroit Swims—we think what you’re doing is awesome—keep up the good work!