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Congratulations to Kansas City, MO!

Last week, the Kansas City, Missouri, City Council approved a Complete Streets policy (with a 13-0 vote) that will allow the city to create a community where walking, rolling and biking is integrated into street design rather than being an afterthought.  Citizens of all abilities in Kansas City will be able to engage in more physical activity, such as biking and walking, which means healthier citizens and healthier communities!


iStock-510726421.jpgAdvocates including BikeWalk KC, KC Healthy Kids, and the American Heart Association worked together to ensure the city policy encompasses all forms of transportation and people of all abilities, with a special emphasis on low- and moderate-income areas where the social determinants of health present an inordinate burden on residents.  The policy also connects to the Bike, Walk and Trails city plans, addresses staff training needs, focuses on interdepartmental coordination, and requires that the policy be reviewed every three years to explore changes based on emerging approaches and technology.  Finally, it connects the policy to the general obligation bond funding that passed last spring.

Congratulations to the advocates, supporters, and to Kansas City for this huge impact!

Want to get involved? Join the Complete Streets Action Team today!