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Colorado Dedicates $1.1M to Improved Physical Education!

Colorado is investing in physical education. Read on to find out how!


On May 10, 2019, Colorado passed a $1.1M physical education (PE) grant program to help improve students’ physical activity. This innovative PE grant program prioritizes funding for high-need schools and districts experiencing barriers that hinder the implementation of comprehensive quality PE including: lack of resources and equipment, difficulty retaining staff, existence of a four-day school week (which is implemented disproportionately in underserved districts) and a lack of supplemental funding from cities and counties where a district is located.

Out of 1,106 elementary schools and 285 middle schools in the state, 832 are Title I schools, meaning this funding is direly needed to implement quality physical education programs. This bill requires a minimum of at least 30% of the funds to be prioritized for high-needs schools.

Congratulations to The Fund for a Healthier Colorado, SHAPE America, American Heart Association - Colorado, and to the all the advocates and volunteers who are working to make each day healthier for all children!

Want to stay up to date on how we can help protect physical education in schools? Click here to visit our Physical Education toolkit and to sign up for the Voices for Healthy Kids Action Team!