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CDC Healthy Schools Highlights State-level Success

The Centers for Disease Control launched new website that shares successful school health programs made through CDC funding. CDC Healthy Schools highlights the work states across the nation are doing to promote well-being and development in children and youth.


CDClogo.PNGBy Center for Disease Control and Prevention

This work is done through State Public Health Actions to Prevent and Control Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity and Associated Risk Factors and Promote School Health (cooperative agreement #1305), where funding is awarded to all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Information is now available on states and their role in putting policies and practices in place in three priority areas for school health—

  • Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools
  • School Nutrition Environment and Services
  • School Health Services for Managing Chronic Conditions

CDC also funds the six national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to complement and strengthen the work of states in these school health priority areas.

To date, successes through this cooperative agreement include the following:

  • Approximately 18.3 million students and more than 4,200 local education agencies being reached with CDC tools, training, and technical assistance.
  • A 21% increase in the percentage of schools that did not sell less healthy foods and drinks.
  • 98% of schools identifying and tracking students with chronic health conditions.

Visit these new web pages to see what is happening in your state.