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Apply now for the National Director Position at Council For a Strong America/Mission: Readiness!

Do you live in Washington, DC and are looking for a job? Mission: Readiness, a national organization of over 700 retired admirals and generals, seeks leader with a passion for preparing young Americans to be healthy, productive citizens.


The National Director will continue Mission: Readiness' membership growth, manage a team of innovative associates, and represent the organization with policymakers, allied organizations, funders and media. Ideal candidates will have proven experience enlisting and mobilizing people to take action; an understanding of the legislative process; excellent oral and written communication skills; superior interpersonal skills; and have experience interacting with senior members of the military. This is an opportunity to create change at the state and federal levels to help kids stay in school, stay fit, and stay out of trouble, so that military service is one of a variety of career options.

View the full job description and how to apply!