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Albuquerque City Council Adopts Complete Streets Ordinance

Albuquerque has a new complete streets ordinance. Find out how the ordinance will contribute to safer streets as well as health equity!


News from Albuquerque, New Mexico! The city council unanimously approved a complete streets ordinance to make streets safer for walking, biking and rolling. In 2017, 31 of Albuquerque’s 36 fatalities occurred on roadways directly bordering high-poverty areas. With that in mind, the ordinance includes the following unanimously-passed amendment to address health equity:

The low and moderate income community criteria is one of the many factors that shall be taken into consideration when identifying and selecting project prioritization under this ordinance, and is not the sole determinant. Other factors/criteria that shall be taken into consideration include traffic fatalities, aging infrastructure, traffic count, creating access for older adults and people with disabilities, and any other factors that enhance and improve public safety and health.

The Albuquerque Complete Streets Ordinance and amendment will not only improve safety on the roads, but also bring transparency and accountability to the city’s road construction and repair program. The key provisions of the new and amended complete streets ordinance:

  • Defines “low-income community” and “moderate-income community”
  • Prioritizes city projects based on equity, with a focus on underserved communities, and other factors such as traffic fatalities, traffic count, aging infrastructure, access for older adults and people with disabilities.
  • Calls for an annual report to be submitted to the city council outlining upcoming projects.
  • Explores how to integrate complete streets into regulatory frameworks – i.e., any ordinances or resolutions that set forth criteria for how the city spends funds on public projects.
  • Calls on the administration to work on hiring a bike/complete streets coordinator and appointing an advisory committee or utilizing an existing committee to work on complete streets issues.

Congratulations to the American Heart Association, AARP, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the New Mexico Chronic Disease Prevention Council and to all volunteers and advocates who are working to make streets safer for all in Albuquerque!

Want to make progress in your community? Check out our Complete Streets Toolkit!