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A New Year’s Resolution That Will Make a Difference in Your Community

2019 is here! A new year means a fresh start for ourselves, our families and our communities. Here’s one resolution to consider: Make 2019 your Year of Action.


It’s up to you to stand up, speak out and take action for healthy changes in your community. We can all do our part to ensure that every child can learn, grow and thrive.

There are so many different ways to get involved, from joining your school’s wellness committee to getting to know the health priorities of new community leaders. The most important step is to find something you believe in. Commit to it and you can make a difference!

Need ideas on where to start? We’ve got a couple.

Do you have a passion for kids’ health?

Schools play a critical role in helping kids learn healthy eating and physical activity habits. Local wellness policies in schools are important for improving children’s overall health and academic performance. Every school district in the nation has a local wellness policy because we know that healthy, active kids do better. But not every school has the funding and capacity to support equitable wellness.

Your local schools could use your help! Make your Year of Action plan to join a school wellness committee or your district-wide School Health Advisory Council. You can also join a national school wellness action team.

Do you have ideas about how to make your community healthier?
One of the best elements of our democracy is that anyone can talk to their local leaders about ways their community can improve. Maybe you’ve noticed a need for bike lanes or crosswalks for safer streets. Or maybe you’ve seen news on the health dangers of sugary drinks and want to know how your community can stop sugary drinks from hooking our kids.

Your community leaders and elected officials want to hear from you! Make your Year of Action plan to speak up for your needs and the needs of your entire community. You can also check out ideas for healthier communities at the Voices for Healthy Kids Action Center.

We all deserve the chance to lead a healthy life. Commit today to making your voice heard and taking action to create healthier communities for everyone.

How will you make 2019 your Year of Action?

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