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Three Ways Students Can Help Create Healthier Schools

Meet PJ Bledsoe, an Alliance for a Healthier Generation All Star and School Ambassador for Fuel Up to Play 60, and learn why he thinks promoting health and wellness in school to fellow students is important.


PJBledsoeAHGStory.jpgBy PJ Bledsoe, Alliance for a Healthier Generation All Star

Promoting health and wellness is very important to me. Rates of childhood obesity, juvenile diabetes and other health issues are growing – and so is the use of video games, tablets and computers in place of physical activity for a lot of children. In my school and community, I encourage eating healthy and physical activity as a School Ambassador for Fuel Up to Play 60 and an All Star with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.

Any kid can get involved in promoting health at his or her school! Here are my three tips to get started: 

1. Join your school’s wellness committee.

As a member of the wellness committee, I was able to help implement “grab-and-go” breakfast and a breakfast-in-the-classroom program in our schools. This allowed students to eat a healthy breakfast, including juice and milk, in a classroom setting instead of the cafeteria, where some students can be uncomfortable eating in front of peers.

2. Be a role model for others.

I always try to lead by example so others can see that, even with a busy lifestyle, it’s possible to stay healthy. In addition to participating in numerous sports, band and academic clubs, I also volunteer to coach younger children's sports teams. As a School Ambassador for Fuel Up to Play 60, I have attended several trainings to help me mentor younger kids about eating healthy and being physically active.

3. Work as a team.

I believe that working as a team to achieve a common goal is important. I'm fortunate that I have several mentors in my community who, along with my family, have always stressed the importance of eating healthy and being active. My community has received several wellness grants that have enabled our parks to get updated exercise equipment, walking trails and playground facilities.

We are working together to create a healthier school day, one day at a time, one step at a time.


PJ Bledsoe is a 14-year-old Alliance for a Healthier Generation All Star. He is a member of the Wellness Council at Eldon Middle School, which was recently named to the Alliance for Healthier Generation’s 2016 list of America’s Healthiest Schools