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New Resource: Dangerous by Design

Each year, thousands are injured or killed walking in their neighborhoods, and many of these deaths are due to unsafe conditions—learn how we can come together to create streets that are more equitable for all.


By Smart Growth America

dangerousbydesign.PNGSmart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition, in collaboration with AARP, the American Society of Landscape Architects, and Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associated released its next “Dangerous by Design” report this week. Each year, thousands of people are injured or killed when walking in their neighborhoods and cities. Many of these deaths are the result of how the streets and sidewalks are designed, creating unsafe conditions for those who walk and bike. As we work to pass strong, comprehensive complete streets policy that is equitable, it’s important to understand the challenges that residents, community leaders, elected leaders, and transportation planners face as they try to design and re-design communities that take into consideration all modes of travel (walking, biking, driving) for all users (people who walk, bike, take transit, and drive).

Download the report here.