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New Complete Streets and Equity Reports Now Available!

Two new complete streets and equity reports have been released and are the result of a project to study equity elements in complete streets policies, the characteristics of communities with equity elements in their policies, and to qualitatively understand how equity elements in complete streets policies are being implemented in practice. Learn more about the reports here.


completestreetspolicypapers.PNGExploring the Association Between Complete Streets Policies and Taking Public Transit to Work summarizes the results of a study to examine the association between Complete Streets policies at the county and municipal levels in the United States and taking public transit to work. The brief found that having a Complete Streets policy was associated with significantly higher rates of taking public transit at both the county and municipal levels.    

completestreetspolicypapers2.PNGPrioritizing Transportation Equity through Complete Streets summarizes findings from a qualitative study of eight communities that had identified equity as a priority in their Complete Streets policies to identify how equity is being implemented and prioritized in practice. The study found that although communities felt that prioritizing equity in Complete Streets projects was the right thing to do, it was difficult to implement in practice. Lessons learned and strategies for addressing these challenges are presented in this report.