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Salud America! Seeks to Grow a Healthy Change


A new interactive website unveiled on Wednesday by our friends at Salud America! aims to become a one-stop shop for advocates looking to take steps to reverse Latino childhood obesity in their communities.

The website, Growing Healthy Change, contains a wealth of Latino-focused tools, resources and personal stories that promote healthy change. Visitors can create maps to see what’s happening in their neighborhood, search by specific topics, read first-hand accounts from advocates working in the field and even upload their own stories.

“We believe this site is a critical tool to showcase the latest healthy changes for Latino kids that are popping up across the country, and also to educate and motivate people to start creating changes on their own,” said Leader Amelie Ramirez, director of Salud America. “What’s great is that you can find what changes are happening in your own backyard or see what’s happening 1,000 miles away and how you might be able to make that happen in your area.”

Salud America! will guide visitors through the new website during a special Tweet chat at 2 p.m. Eastern on Feb. 18. To take part, follow @SaludToday and use the hashtag #GrowingHealthyChange.

Growing Healthy Change prompts visitors to take action to fight Latino childhood obesity in their area in three steps. First, visitors can search Latino-focused stories and resources that promote changes in six issue areas: Active Play, Active Spaces, Better Food in Neighborhoods, Healthier Marketing, Healthier School Snacks and Sugary Drinks.

Next, visitors can learn how to create change in their own communities through evidence-based reports and toolkits. In addition, visitors can review case studies of past successes — such as fitness programs, healthier school snacks and community gardens — that include a step-by-step look at how change was implemented.

Lastly, visitors can become a “Salud Hero” by uploading their own stories and photos of their ongoing efforts to create healthy changes. Salud America! plans to write and possibly film some of their favorite submissions to submit to a national audience.

Click here to visit the Growing Healthy Change website.