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Online Summer Leader Courses Still Available


In June, we announced two online courses available exclusively for Leaders. The courses, “What is Direct Action Organizing?” and “Developing a Strategy,” offer training on organizing, advocacy and developing your strategy. These courses are still available to Leaders, and we encourage you to make use of this great resource!

Each course takes approximately 45-60 minutes each to complete, and is equipped with interactive quizzes and lessons. We recommend that you complete the courses in this order:

Course 1: What is Direct Action Organizing?

This interactive, introductory session addresses direct action organizing. The trainers explain how it differs from other forms of addressing problems, such as providing a social service, self-help, education or advocacy on behalf of others. It is particularly important to make these distinctions because many organizations do a combination of these types of work. However, each type follows its own principles and logic, which must be clear to the organizers.

Course 2: Developing a Strategy

This training is a follow up to “What is Direct Action Organizing?” Using the Midwest Academy strategy chart, participants learn how to identify and analyze the relationships between goals, objectives, constituencies, targets and tactics. The presentation is followed by a short quiz. Participants can later use this method when holding strategy sessions in their own organization. It demystifies what is often seen as a very complex process.

Join your fellow Leaders in learning more about organizing, advocacy and developing your strategy! If you’ve already taken the courses but need a refresher, you’re welcome to take them again.

To access the training, you’ll just need to visit your Leader dashboard or login on, then click the “My Dashboard” link in the upper-left-hand corner. If you are not a Leader yet but would like to be please see the requirements to be a Leader here and register here.

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