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More Progress in MA: $6M Authorized for the Massachusetts Food Trust

On August 10, 2016, Massachusetts Governor Baker signed an economic development bill into law with $6 million authorized for the Massachusetts Food Trust! This is an incredible accomplishment in the journey to get the Massachusetts Food Trust funded and implemented.


With authorization of $6M in capital funds in the economic development bill and $100K in dedicated funding for operating costs included in the FY17 budget, the Administration now has the resources it needs to move the Massachusetts Food Trust from concept to reality.

Leading this effort has been the Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA), along with the members of the Act FRESH campaign, American Heart Association, Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations, and so many additional partners from across the Commonwealth. The support and dedication of MPHA partners has been crucial in achieving these essential steps toward getting the Massachusetts Food Trust off the ground to increase healthy food access and boost economic development in low and moderate income communities. While tremendous progress has been made, there is still more to do to make this program a reality. Funding authorized in large bond bills like the one signed by the Governor does not guarantee that the program will be launched or that the money will be appropriated. It is up to MPHA and their allies to ensure this funding is released, which will require continued effort and advocacy in the coming months.

Stay tuned for more updates on the progress and on advocacy opportunities to ensure these funds for the Massachusetts Food Trust are appropriated!

Read the original article here