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Breaking News: Progress for NYC Kids’ Meals

Breaking news! On the heels of the American Heart Association and American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement on sugary drinks, the New York City Council voted to advance the NYC Healthy Kids’ Meals Bill, making water, milk and 100% fruit juice the standard drink with restaurant kids’ meals.


City Council Speaker Corey Johnson has been a long-term supporter of the bill and chaired the Health Committee in the past session. Johnson highlighted sugary drinks as a priority focus and his team helped to broker support from the American Beverage Association for this bill.

The bill is also supported by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and it is expected to be signed by Mayor DeBlasio in the next month. When signed, all 24,000 restaurants in New York City, if they have a kids’ meal, will soon have healthy beverages as the default option.

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  • #BreakingNews! #Progress from #NYC: City Council passes NYC Healthy Kids’ Meals Bill! Will next move to @NYCMayor. #ServeKidsBetterNYC @AHANewYorkCity


Want to make progress in your community? Check out our Healthier Kids’ Meals Toolkit!